Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024)
The story follows two detectives from different eras: Hidaka Senju, a warm-hearted “Showa-era detective,” and Fuwa Toshiki, a cool-headed “Reiwa-era detective”. Together, they tackle long-standing, unresolved cold cases that have been shelved for years. In a department known as “Okura”, where misfits assemble, a pair of detectives with a generational gap work together, using the slightest clues to get closer to the truth behind each case.
Also known as: OKURA: Cold Case Investigation Okra: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa Okura: Meikyuu Iri Jiken Sousa オクラ めいきゅういりじけんそうさ
Country: Japan
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2024
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Starring: Hashimoto Jun, Maeda Oshiro, Shiraishi Mai, Sorimachi Takashi, Sugino Yosuke, Ukaji Takashi
Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) full episodes
Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 6
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Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 5
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Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 4
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Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 3
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Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 2
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Okura: Meikyu Iri Jiken Sosa (2024) Episode 1